What We Do

Our main desire is to encourage and equip everyone to be missional disciples of Jesus. We can help you dig deeper into your relationship with God – whatever this currently looks like – connect with other believers through the local and global Church, and live missionally in your everyday life. We achieve this via interactive teaching in groups of all shapes and sizes, and we also help create space where people can put into practice what they have learned, not to mention let God get a word in! One conviction we have is that God puts people in our lives to help us follow him, and we can do the same for them.

We encourage everyday discipleship via small groups of 3 or 4 people. Prioritising this enables us to spur one another on to love and action. We mentor and facilitate the beginning of these small groups (pods, ‘bands’, spiritual friends…we don’t mind what you call it!) then release you to explore all that God has for you. We love to keep in touch and hear back what God has been doing.

Ideally whole life discipleship is primarily modelled through whole family discipleship. Parents and children learning together how to be loved by God, and to love God deeply will mean the whole family live differently every day because they want to share the good news of that radical love with all they meet.

We provide practical tools for daily life so that people can go and do something with what they have learned wherever they find themselves throughout the week. We help ‘sharpen’ people and help them prioritise Jesus, meaning they will have a bigger impact in their churches, homes, workplaces and communities. This will help renew the church and strengthen society within the UK, helping more people come to know and follow Jesus along the way.

Although platforms like Zoom are great tools, we’d always rather physically be with people where possible. To us, nothing beats actually being with a group of people and seeing what God wants to do among them, so if we work with you we look forward to being with you in-person. This way we can celebrate what God is doing, and learn and grow together.

We are not a charity or company but we have a support group to keep us accountable and help ensure the work is going well. Please contact us to find out more about how this works.